Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Chanukah!!

G-d bless!!

"I am reclaiming myself."

Mattishayu shaves his beard.

G-d bless!

The Quick, The Bad, and the Ugly

What does white bread, cornflakes, and sodas have in common?

Ok, ok, besides being unhealthy!!

These high carb foods caused brachial arteries to distend for several hours causing reduced functioning that leads to health problems.

Excuse me while I go throw up now.

Well, they're not throwing up in Tel Aviv. There, they are making history!

Dr. Michael Shechter of Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center was able to visualize what happens inside our arteries before, during and after eating high carb foods - a first in medical history.

His treatment allows patients to see in real time if they are at risk of a heart attack.

His suggestion? Stick to foods that are low in sugar like legumes, fruits and vegetables, and oatmeal, etc. In other words: real food. It behooves us to find the combos that work for us. That is, we don't like millet, maybe try quinoa. It is an endeavor that can save our lives.

G-d bless!!

Check it out:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And we're baaack!!!

Yo, I haven't written for a whole month.

An easterly wind blew me right into a bubble, and with my computer crashing, I was living in a sort of romantic cloud.

The bubbles are there, but a girl has got to blog!!

G-d bless!!