Sunday, May 17, 2009

Quick! Get Outta' Here!

It takes a lot of determination to eat like a mentsch. That is to eat real, good, healthy food.
On days where there's a lot of time, I can pre-plan meals. I'll have time to cook rice, legumes or make salads, steam vegetables, etc. and even save for the week. But on hectic days, all the pre-planning and cooking flies right out the window. But, oddly enough, the hunger remains.

So, what to do?

Go for the junk food.

There's no planning involved. There's no cooking to do. AND, it's cheaper than if I went to buy a meal in a restaurant, let's say. And best of all, it's FAST. I don't even need to sit down while eating. I can actually multitask-eat and run. Quite literally.

Oy vey.

And yet, as brilliant and convenient as the fast, junk food is, why is that in half hour or less even, the hunger pangs come back.

Ok, so just buy more fast, junk food. Stave off the hunger and save money.

Well, if I do it one/ two days, or here and there, that's one thing, but for weeks? Bit by bit, my energy level drops; my irritability increases; and, basically, it's not a pretty sight. Not to mention the effects we don't see inside the body...or the soul?

Sometimes, life has a way of pushing you forward. And it takes a lot of effort to STOP and say, "hey, that is NOT where I want to be going," or, "this is NOT what I want to be eating!"

One has to be cunning. Rebellious, even. Faster than the fast food? Or slower? Bringing reinforcements. Sounding the alarms. Making a fuss! Crying out to G-d! PRE-PRE Planing for those difficult days. And finding things that are ENJOYABLE to eat, ie. not stuff that tastes like tree bark!

And if there's no time to cook, than opting to buy a healthy meal, ie. a wrap or a chicken salad, etc. Which of course WILL cost more than the fast, junk food (which percentage-wise of actual nourishment is low anyways!)
And, I, too, fall into the trap of thinking that buying cheaper means I'm being smart w/ my money. But I think it's quite the opposite. My money IS to buy me the better food/the better anything when I can, otherwise what's the WHOLE POINT?!! All w/in reason... :)

Hunger compels us to eat, which gives us life. So, why am I spending money to make myself weak?

But y'know, it's not just the day and week that's hectic. It seems society is hectic. I step out and everyone is rushing off here and rushing off there. There just isn't any time! Quick, go to the mall! Quick, catch the bus! Quick, catch that light! Quick, answer the phone! Quick, just.. just get going! Quick, eat fast and go! Or don't eat, just get outta' here!

"Yes, but where are we going exactly?" That thought may flash briefly as we're "herded" to....not quite sure yet. But if you dare to stop, you'll hear the question again and will want an answer. Be careful b/c someone may ask you why you're not moving with the herd.
"What's wrong w/ this pretty packaged, preservative-full, MSG ridden yum yum? Everything has been arranged for you!" Then like a scene from a movie, the smiles disappear as they hiss, "Conform!"


So, like I said, it takes a lot of determination to eat like a mentsch. That is, to eat real, good, healthy food.
I'm still figuring it out...

G-d bless!


The First Domino דומינו said...

Chaya, you write so well. You always manage to get a chuckle or two from me.

You have certainly examined our behavior around eating, and its impact on our whole self, including our spirit.

I envision you as a young woman (you know, blogs have no eyes), but your words belie that conclusion.

You bring wisdom and a philosophical depth born of experience to your writing--not something I associate with youth.

Yet some of us mature beyond our age, while some of us remain immature well into our advancing years.

You identify the problem precisely: junk food's allurement is that it's fast, and cheap, but it exacts a price from us both in energy and health.

Just think how many people out there are compromising their health further by drinking and smoking!

"Yes, but where are we going exactly?" That thought may flash briefly as we're "herded" to....not quite sure yet. But if you dare to stop, you'll hear the question again and will want an answer. Be careful b/c someone may ask you why you're not moving with the herd." Chaya

Sometimes I believe that we're moving faster than God, outdistancing Him in our efforts to cram 48 hours within 24.

Unless we slow down, really slow down, we may live out our life, and never know that God was trying to catch up, or keep up.

Cilantro said...

Hey, Domino!
Sometimes I believe that we're moving faster than God, outdistancing Him in our efforts to cram 48 hours within 24.I like how you put it.
I defintely appreciate your perspective on things-always gets me thinking...

And thanks for the kind words, Domino. I appreciate them.


Hi there Chaya!

This the trufffffff!
