Friday, February 25, 2011

Oliver Mtukudzi

A Few of My Favorite Things: Lentils

Here are few reasons lentils should be a staple in our healthy kitchen....

1. Doesn't need to be soaked.
2.It's got dietary fiber (which keeps hearts happy by lowering cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels (this is VEEERY good)
3.high amounts of folate (is crucial in neutralizing homocysteine in check so our artery walls/heart stay healthy)
4.Great source of iron
5 Source of protein
6. Packed w/ magnasese, phosphorus, and other minerals
7. Comes in beautiful colors like brown, green, red, even yellow and black (hey why not?)

G-d Bless!!!

Check it out:
WhFoods: lentils

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I've been reading up on phytates, and although on one hand I understand it's importance, it's really driving me up the wall to read biased articles blasting grains and legumes.

To understand my frustration requires some background info.

The element phosphorus is stored in the bran/outer hull of plants in the form of phytic acid. However, the phosphorus in this form is not available to us unless it's released. (or unless we develop a second stomach like cows!) Phytase-the enzyme that breaks down phytic acid, is one of the heros in this post. However, if there is no phytase, the acid binds with other elements like calcium, zinc, magnesium,etc. and pretty much runs away with those nutrients via excretion. And we are left mineral deprived.

Ain't got no phosphorus and now I'm outta calcium, too!!

That is why it's taught that in certain cultures, grains, nuts and legumes are either soaked in an acidic medium, fermented, or prepared in some way in order that the phytates are neutralized.

Ok, that's cool.
I'm all for manipulating the grain or legume in the proper way to benefit health-wise from it.

It certainly is not a reason to abandon them entirely!! (I read such advice on a couple of sites)

While digging up info on the matter, I've read in several places that meat and ascorbic acid/also found in Vitamin C can reduce the effects of phytates.

"-both Asian and Western children who do not get enough meat and fish products to counteract the effects of a high phytate diet, frequently suffer rickets, stunting and other growth problems." -


Study done at University of Goteborg, Sweden:
"The most feasible way to improve iron nutrition in populations where the traditional diet has a high phytate content would probably be to increase the ascorbic acid content."

It's known that the interaction of various foods creates a synergy-istic power, where all the parts work together in a beautiful balance that we cannot understand or recreate.
In Chinese Medicine (my new passion) we'll find that eating various foods together are encouraged in order to create balance b/w energies and tastes.

I definitely cannot ignore the phytate issue or just start eating tons of meat in order to avoid properly preparing grains and legumes ('cuz it takes more time than what we are used to in terms of preparing food), but I am throwing a monkey wrench so we can keep asking questions and not take info at face value-even the health info.

G-d bless!!!

Check it out:

CheeseCake for Babies

"Normal breastmilk is quite watery at the initiation of a feeding, and becomes richer during a feed. It certainly can look thinner than skim milk at the beginning and become much creamier at the end of a good feed. It's kind of like a four-course meal--soup and salad first, then the entree, with cheesecake for dessert. Allow/encourage your baby to nurse long enough so she gets her share of cheesecake."


G-d bless!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lacto-fermentation 102: Do It Yourself

After parusing through a few pickling recipes and seeing what was available in the the kitchen pantry, I decided to go with the following:
3/4 of a medium cabbage
2 tablespoons sea salt
filtered water
1 mason jar

Shred the cabbage. Cut a few slices of ginger and garlic. Sprinkle the salt all over. Then pound so the juices of the cabbage come out abit. Add a a dash or two of oregano.
Fill the jar with the cabbage goodies and cover with filtered water, allowing some space (an inch or so) b/w the water and the top of the jar. Leave out at room temperature.
After 2-3 days, transfer the jar to cold storage.
The longer it stays in storage, the better the taste will be.

G-d bless!

ps: This is really my first successful pickling!! And it smells soooo good!! B/c I like spicy, next time, I'd like to add either more ginger or some hot peppers to the mix.

Sweet Potatoes!!!

It's anti-oxidant powered beta-carotenes, heart-protecting vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin C, potassium, iron, and maganese makes this golden sweet potato a good choice when stocking up the pantry.

According to Chinese Medicine, sweet potatoes is neutral to warming-so, during these winter days, it's a fantastic addition. Plus, they stimulate the spleen to do its work, converting nutrients, phlegm into usable energy, chi (life force), and blood.

Whether they're steamed, boiled, baked, in a soup, on a dish, in cubes, in strips, be suuure to add some fat (oil, butter) so that the carotenes can easily convert into vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes ain't foolin' around.

G-d bless!!!

Check it out:
Whfoods: sweet potatoes

Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon