Thursday, August 4, 2011

I saw when your Sun began to shine....on my Moon

5:53 sunrise smiles on Tsefat skies
as twilight croons home to claim her prize

saffron rays marks a mystic light show
kindled sparks ripen into a husky glow

Summon cave winds and dew-cool lush
to sweeten a deep thought purpl-y plush

seraphim, ofanim 'round and thunder
the moment day and night are wrent 'sunder

flows the ancient, the age old lullaby
that sparks the sigh and then the battle cry

skies, hazy spazy crazy bright blues
blends with clouds of creamy puff hues

5:53 sunrise smiles on Tsefat skies
as twilight croons home to claim her prize

I saw when your sun began to shine
on my moon...

G-d bless!

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