Monday, April 8, 2013


"The fear of G-d/ Hashem is the beginning of knowledge; foolish ones scorn wisdom and discipline. Hear, my child, the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the teaching of your mother. For they are an adornment of grace for your head and a chain for your neck."
Proverbs 1:7-9

We have to believe in ourselves.

We have to believe that we can make a real change.

We have to believe that we can be happy.

We have to believe that the tools are in place for us to learn and to master.

We have to believe that there are people that we can help.

We have to believe that we have what to give.

We have to believe that our apathy causes death and our attention gives life.

We have to believe that there are people who can help, no matter the color.

We have to believe that G-d is talking to us this second.

We have to believe that mistakes don't define us.

 We have to believe that sexual abuse and abandonment are not the standards.

We have to believe that what we believe will create the reality. (That is why media tries to control what we see and believe)

We have to believe that G-d wants something from us that is very concrete and attainable.

We have to believe that we each have a specific function to do.

We have to believe that we can succeed.

We have to believe that pain is in place only to wake us up from our sleep. And for us to improve our lives.

We have to believe that reality is not in television or Facebook.

We have to believe that by being healthy-spiritually and physically that we can
accomplish more good and receive more good.

We have to believe that our mind and body is not a garbage dump.

We have to believe that our main happiness comes from G-d and not people.

We have to believe that the hurts from the past are meant to be composted! Fertilizer for something
better and stronger to come out from it, but not get stuck in it.

We have to believe that all our pores are infused with G-dliness.

We have to believe that we are beautiful.

We have to believe that being healthy shows our true beauty.

We have to believe that we are worthwhile and good.

We have to believe that we need to act and to run while doing it.

We have to believe that we can make it happen.

We have to believe that we can make it.

We have to believe

And we have to voice these beliefs in order to start believing.

That is, if we want to believe

G-d bless!!

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