Friday, February 27, 2009

Vitamin D: My Dark, Lovely Shade of Brown

Part IV

The sun is blazing hot near the equator, and yet there are thousands of Africans going about their business every day. How do they do it?

Apparently, in traditional African societies, they would know when to be outdoors to milk their cows, go hunting, etc. and when to take cover. And they would also use skin care products. (I love this part!)

The Ugandan Acholi would use simsim oil and shea butter. And the Massai tribe used a mixture of red ochre (red or yellow-tinted clay) and cow fat. The point is that, no, Africans weren't just out in the sun all day and, yes, they used products to protect and moisturize their skin. These oils and butter contain vitamin E, seal in the skin's natural moisture, and the thick layer protects against the hot rays.

Do African Americans wear sunscreen?
Well, what's your skin tone? What's your lifestyle like? Are you always outdoors? What time? Or are you only indoors? If you are using a sunscreen, do you Know if the ingredients really protect you? The topic of which sunscreen to use is a whole other story, and some contain toxic stuff. I pray that we each research this further if and when we choose to wear it. Protection from the sun isn't just through sunscreen. Covering up with clothes is also effective. Are you often in the water? The sun's rays are hotter from the reflection.

Are you taking care of your skin?

Taking care of ourselves means getting information! Finding out info that pertains to us: not just depressing statistics, but SOLUTIONS. Are we deficient
in vitamin D? Check it out and do something about it!

Taking care of ourselves means respecting our G-d given uniqueness and not trying to adopt another groups' characteristics. That means respecting our lovely shades of brown. And I do mean lovely...

Taking care of ourselves means loving ourselves. And certain Sages write that loving isn't just a feeling. It's an action. It's giving. In fact, giving LEADS to loving!

If I want to love myself, I need to give to myself.

And in order to give PROPERLY, I need to understand and respect what I am, what I need, what I like, and where I want to go.

I respect that my ancestors are from Africa. I respect my dark, lovely shade of brown. I respect that I need health: healthy realtionships, healthy food, healthy body, healthy books, healthy hobbies.

I respect that G-d gave me a mind to think for myself. I don't need the media to tell me how.

I respect that I like enjoyment. Being and living healthy is not a punishment. And it's not exclusively for "others." It is a gift for everyone.

I respect that life isn't only about me.

I respect that life isn't only about feeling good. It's also about doing good.

I respect that others need me.

I respect that I need them.

I respect me.

G-d bless!

Check it out:

This is one is really worth checking out...Lots of info re: vitamin D testing, supplements, warnings, etc. (Interview w/ Dr. Micheal Holick)

R. Dessler, Strive for Truth


The First Domino דומינו said...

"And in order to give PROPERLY, I need to understand and respect what I am, what I need, what I like, and where I want to go.

Chaya, beautifully written. And thanks for all the good information on vitamin D, and the information on how some African societies protect their skin.

I learn a lot from you.

Self respect is indeed the key. To underscore what you have said, let me offer this:

I read some place that we relate to God in a very special way: We are His body.

And if we're the body of God, we all should do our best to keep God's body in tip-top shape, physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Cilantro said...

Thanks, Domino
I'm still learning a lot myself.

re: self-respect.
We are His body
THIS is what we must keep in mind and what will build us. And not all sorts of nonsense and distorted self images that certain negative media tries to force down our throats..or subtlely slip by.