Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Purim!

Purim is here...

Purim is a Jewish festival commemorating the bible story of Esther.

On this day, people dress up in funny outfits and costumes, hear the story of Esther, send gifts to one another, give money to the poor, and EAT! Oh, yes, what's a festival day w/o food?

We eat. And eat some more!!

There's a sort of indulgence that can easily happen on such a day...And it can easily become complete self-absorption as we build more of ourselves. Our physical selves, that is.

But, when we are munching away, we are taking something from outside ourselves and bringing it in. It's not part of us, yet it sustains us. And so, we have a BIG reason to be grateful to G-d everytime we're eating.

Here He is, providing and taking care of us...

Of course, we should be taking in proper foods, chewing it, and sitting down. You know everything our moms told us in yesteryears.

But, we also can add joy and gratitude to the table. (I'm sure my momma told me this, too) Then, we're aware that it's not just a physical experience. And the food isn't just protein and carbs replacing cells and building "body." As we humble our hearts from thanks, the food becomes a gateway of spirituality. It becomes soul food, nurturing a very hidden but major part of ourselves. Our spiritual selves, that is!

So, whether it's Purim or any festival, whether we're just snacking or preparing a feast, let's stay connected to our Provider by being grateful and happy for the crunchy, chewy, mushy, sticky, soup-y, spicy, salty, and sweet gifts He sends our way.

G-d bless!

1 comment:

The First Domino דומינו said...

"As we humble our hearts from thanks, the food becomes a gateway of spirituality. It becomes soul food, nurturing a very hidden but major part of ourselves. Our spiritual selves, that is!" Chaya

Beautifully stated, Chaya. Even something as simple as eating can be elevated to be seen as something special, wonderful, and spiritual.

Thanks for the reminder.
