Sunday, July 31, 2011


Azamra in Hebrew means "I will sing."

I am making a series of articles called Azamra...Africa! specifically noting the beauty of Africa: it's people, it's culture, it's geography, it's history.

In mainstream media, there is all this talk of how terrible it is on the African continent. Granted, every place has its challenges, but the way Africa is portrayed, one could easily think that there is only

a vastness of life-less desert and poverty.

We know that ain't true.

In Judaism, Rabbi Nachman emphasized finding the good points within ourselves and others. Africa is bursting with goodness and richness, and we are gonna celebrate that right here.

Africa is the oldest civilization. Ours is undeniably intertwined with hers- whether we like it or not. The good points in Africa are ultimately the good points within us.

Today I'm checking out the Tingatinga Art.
This art form was first developed in the southern area of Tanzania by the Makua tribe. Whether on walls, leather, wood or rocks, artists would use these mediums to express their views and opinions.

Edward Said Tingatinga really developed this art form and originated amazing and beautiful paintings.


G-d bless!!

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